UPDATE: 我还真没用过 Xcode。 输入 import Swift,按住 Command 鼠标点击 Swift。然后就出来了。 ORZ。 via reddit。

不过那个列表是不全的,有部分影藏的还是要慢慢来。比如 NilType.

通过命令行 lldb 命令获得相关信息。转载注明。

所有默认名字在 Swift 名字空间,即 Swift.abs 这样。这里是第二部分,小写符号请参考,前一篇。

第二部分 A to Z


protocol AbsoluteValuable : SignedNumber {
  class func abs(_: Self) -> Self


typealias Any = protocol<>


typealias AnyClass = AnyObject.Type


@objc @class_protocol protocol AnyObject {}


struct Array<T> : MutableCollection, Sliceable {
  typealias Element = T
  var startIndex: Int {
    get {}
  var endIndex: Int {
    get {}
  subscript (index: Int) -> T {
    get {}
    set {}
  func generate() -> IndexingGenerator<Array<T>>
  typealias SliceType = Slice<T>
  subscript (subRange: Range<Int>) -> Slice<T> {
    get {}
    set(rhs) {}
  typealias _Buffer = ArrayBuffer<T>
  init(_ buffer: ArrayBuffer<T>)
  var _buffer: ArrayBuffer<T>
extension Array<T> : ArrayLiteralConvertible {
  static func convertFromArrayLiteral(elements: T...) -> Array<T>
extension Array<T> {
  func _asCocoaArray() -> _CocoaArray
extension Array<T> : ArrayType {
  init<S : Sequence where T == T>(_ s: S)
  init(count: Int, repeatedValue: T)
  var count: Int {
    get {}
  var capacity: Int {
    get {}
  var isEmpty: Bool {
    get {}
  var _owner: AnyObject? {
    get {}
  var _elementStorageIfContiguous: UnsafePointer<T> {
    get {}
  func copy() -> Array<T>
  func unshare()
  func reserveCapacity(minimumCapacity: Int)
  func append(newElement: T)
  func extend<S : Sequence where T == T>(sequence: S)
  func removeLast() -> T
  func insert(newElement: T, atIndex: Int)
  func removeAtIndex(index: Int) -> T
  func removeAll(keepCapacity: Bool = default)
  func join<S : Sequence where Array<T> == Array<T>>(elements: S) -> Array<T>
  func reduce<U>(initial: U, combine: (U, T) -> U) -> U
  func sort(isOrderedBefore: (T, T) -> Bool)
  func map<U>(transform: (T) -> U) -> Array<U>
  func reverse() -> Array<T>
  func filter(includeElement: (T) -> Bool) -> Array<T>
extension Array<T> : Reflectable {
  func getMirror() -> Mirror
extension Array<T> : Printable, DebugPrintable {
  func _makeDescription(#isDebug: Bool) -> String
  var description: String {
    get {}
  var debugDescription: String {
    get {}
extension Array<T> {
  @transparent func _cPointerArgs() -> (AnyObject?, RawPointer)
  @conversion @transparent func __conversion() -> CConstPointer<T>
  @conversion @transparent func __conversion() -> CConstVoidPointer
extension Array<T> {
  func withUnsafePointerToElements<R>(body: (UnsafePointer<T>) -> R) -> R
extension Array<T> {
  static func convertFromHeapArray(base: RawPointer, owner: NativeObject, count: Word) -> Array<T>
extension Array<T> {
  func replaceRange<C : Collection where T == T>(subRange: Range<Int>, with newValues: C)


protocol ArrayBound {
  typealias ArrayBoundType
  func getArrayBoundValue() -> ArrayBoundType


struct ArrayBuffer<T> : ArrayBufferType {
  var storage: NativeObject?
  var indirect: IndirectArrayBuffer {
    get {}
  typealias Element = T
  init(_ cocoa: _CocoaArray)
  init(_ buffer: IndirectArrayBuffer)
  func castToBufferOf<U>(_: U.Type) -> ArrayBuffer<U>
extension ArrayBuffer<T> {
  init(_ source: ContiguousArrayBuffer<T>)
  func isUniquelyReferenced() -> Bool
  func _asCocoaArray() -> _CocoaArray
  var _hasMutableBuffer: Bool {
    get {}
  func requestUniqueMutableBuffer(minimumCapacity: Int) -> ContiguousArrayBuffer<T>?
  func requestNativeBuffer() -> ContiguousArrayBuffer<T>?
  func _typeCheck(subRange: Range<Int>)
  func _uninitializedCopy(subRange: Range<Int>, target: UnsafePointer<T>) -> UnsafePointer<T>
  subscript (subRange: Range<Int>) -> SliceBuffer<T> {
    get {}
  var elementStorage: UnsafePointer<T> {
    get {}
  var count: Int {
    get {}
    set {}
  var capacity: Int {
    get {}
  subscript (i: Int) -> T {
    get {}
    set {}
  func withUnsafePointerToElements<R>(body: (UnsafePointer<T>) -> R) -> R
  var owner: AnyObject? {
    get {}
  var identity: Word {
    get {}
  var startIndex: Int {
    get {}
  var endIndex: Int {
    get {}
  func generate() -> IndexingGenerator<ArrayBuffer<T>>
  typealias Storage = ContiguousArrayStorage<T>
  typealias NativeBuffer = ContiguousArrayBuffer<T>
  func _invariantCheck() -> Bool
  var _isNative: Bool {
    get {}
  var _native: ContiguousArrayBuffer<T> {
    get {}
  var _nonNative: _CocoaArray? {
    get {}


protocol ArrayBufferType : MutableCollection {
  typealias Element
  init(_ buffer: ContiguousArrayBuffer<Element>)
  func _uninitializedCopy(subRange: Range<Int>, target: UnsafePointer<Element>) -> UnsafePointer<Element>
  func _asCocoaArray() -> _CocoaArray
  subscript (index: Int) -> Element { get set }
  func requestUniqueMutableBuffer(minimumCapacity: Int) -> ContiguousArrayBuffer<Element>?
  func requestNativeBuffer() -> ContiguousArrayBuffer<Element>?
  subscript (subRange: Range<Int>) -> SliceBuffer<Element> { get }
  func withUnsafePointerToElements<R>(body: (UnsafePointer<Element>) -> R) -> R
  var count: Int { get set }
  var capacity: Int { get }
  var owner: AnyObject? { get }
  var elementStorage: UnsafePointer<Element> { get }
  var identity: Word { get }


protocol ArrayLiteralConvertible {
  typealias Element
  class func convertFromArrayLiteral(elements: Element...) -> Self


protocol ArrayType : _ArrayType, ExtensibleCollection, MutableSliceable, ArrayLiteralConvertible {
  init(count: Int, repeatedValue: Self.GeneratorType.Element)
  var count: Int { get }
  var capacity: Int { get }
  var isEmpty: Bool { get }
  var _owner: AnyObject? { get }
  var _elementStorageIfContiguous: UnsafePointer<Self.Element> { get }
  subscript (index: Int) -> Self.GeneratorType.Element { get set }
  func reserveCapacity(minimumCapacity: Int)
  func append(newElement: Self.GeneratorType.Element)
  func extend<S : Sequence where `Self`.GeneratorType.Element == Self.GeneratorType.Element>(sequence: S)
  func removeLast() -> Self.GeneratorType.Element
  func insert(newElement: Self.GeneratorType.Element, atIndex: Int)
  func removeAtIndex(index: Int) -> Self.GeneratorType.Element
  func removeAll(#keepCapacity: Bool)
  func join<S : Sequence where `Self` == Self>(elements: S) -> Self
  func reduce<U>(initial: U, combine: (U, Self.GeneratorType.Element) -> U) -> U
  func sort(isOrderedBefore: (Self.GeneratorType.Element, Self.GeneratorType.Element) -> Bool)
  typealias _Buffer : ArrayBufferType
  init(_ buffer: _Buffer)
  var _buffer: _Buffer { get set }
protocol _ArrayType : Collection {
  var count: Int { get }
  typealias _Buffer : ArrayBufferType
  var _buffer: _Buffer { get }


struct AutoreleasingUnsafePointer<T> : Equatable, LogicValue {
  let value: RawPointer
  @transparent init(_ value: RawPointer)
  @transparent static func __writeback_conversion_get(x: T) -> RawPointer
  @transparent static func __writeback_conversion_set(x: RawPointer) -> T
  @transparent static func __writeback_conversion(inout autoreleasingTemp: RawPointer) -> AutoreleasingUnsafePointer<T>
  var _isNull: Bool {
    @transparent get {}
  @transparent func getLogicValue() -> Bool
  var memory: T {
    @transparent get {}
    @transparent set {}


protocol BidirectionalIndex : ForwardIndex, _BidirectionalIndex {}
protocol _BidirectionalIndex : _ForwardIndex {
  func pred() -> Self


enum Bit : Int, RandomAccessIndex {
  case zero
  case one
  func succ() -> Bit
  func pred() -> Bit
  func distanceTo(other: Bit) -> Int
  func advancedBy(distance: Int) -> Bit
  var hashValue: Int {
    get {}
  static func fromRaw(raw: Int) -> Bit?
  func toRaw() -> Int
extension Bit : IntegerArithmetic {
  static func _withOverflow(x: Int, _ b: Bool) -> (Bit, Bool)
  static func uncheckedAdd(lhs: Bit, _ rhs: Bit) -> (Bit, Bool)
  static func uncheckedSubtract(lhs: Bit, _ rhs: Bit) -> (Bit, Bool)
  static func uncheckedMultiply(lhs: Bit, _ rhs: Bit) -> (Bit, Bool)
  static func uncheckedDivide(lhs: Bit, _ rhs: Bit) -> (Bit, Bool)
  static func uncheckedModulus(lhs: Bit, _ rhs: Bit) -> (Bit, Bool)
  func toIntMax() -> IntMax


protocol BitwiseOperations {
  func &(_: Self, _: Self) -> Self
  func |(_: Self, _: Self) -> Self
  func ^(_: Self, _: Self) -> Self
  func ~(_: Self) -> Self
  class var allZeros: Self { get }


struct Bool {
  var value: Int1
  @transparent init()
  @transparent init(_ v: Int1)
  static var false: Bool {
    @transparent get {}
  static var true: Bool {
    @transparent get {}
extension Bool : LogicValue {
  @transparent func _getBuiltinLogicValue() -> Int1
  @transparent func getLogicValue() -> Bool
  init(_ v: LogicValue)
extension Bool : Printable {
  var description: String {
    get {}
extension Bool : Equatable, Hashable {
  var hashValue: Int {
    @transparent get {}
extension Bool : Reflectable {
  func getMirror() -> Mirror


typealias CBool = Bool


typealias CChar = Int8


typealias CChar16 = UInt16


typealias CChar32 = UnicodeScalar


struct CConstPointer<T> : Equatable {
  let owner: AnyObject?
  let value: RawPointer
  @transparent init(_ owner: AnyObject?, _ value: RawPointer)
  @transparent static func __inout_conversion(inout scalar: T) -> CConstPointer<T>
  var scoped: Bool {
    @transparent get {}
  @transparent func withUnsafePointer<U>(f: UnsafePointer<T> -> U) -> U


struct CConstVoidPointer : Equatable {
  let owner: AnyObject?
  let value: RawPointer
  @transparent init(_ owner: AnyObject?, _ value: RawPointer)
  @transparent static func __inout_conversion<T>(inout scalar: T) -> CConstVoidPointer
  var scoped: Bool {
    @transparent get {}
  @transparent func withUnsafePointer<T, U>(f: UnsafePointer<T> -> U) -> U


typealias CDouble = Double


typealias CFloat = Float


enum Character : _BuiltinExtendedGraphemeClusterLiteralConvertible, ExtendedGraphemeClusterLiteralConvertible, Equatable {
  case LargeRepresentation(OnHeap<String>)
  case SmallRepresentation(Int63)
  init(_ scalar: UnicodeScalar)
  static func _convertFromBuiltinExtendedGraphemeClusterLiteral(start: RawPointer, byteSize: Word, isASCII: Int1) -> Character
  static func convertFromExtendedGraphemeClusterLiteral(value: Character) -> Character
  init(_ s: String)
  static func _smallSize(value: UInt64) -> Int
  static func _smallValue(value: Int63) -> UInt64
extension Character : Streamable {
  func writeTo<Target : OutputStream>(inout target: Target)


protocol CharacterLiteralConvertible {
  typealias CharacterLiteralType : _BuiltinCharacterLiteralConvertible
  class func convertFromCharacterLiteral(value: CharacterLiteralType) -> Self


typealias CInt = Int32


typealias CLong = Int


typealias CLongLong = Int64


struct CMutablePointer<T> : Equatable, LogicValue {
  let owner: AnyObject?
  let value: RawPointer
  @transparent static func __inout_conversion(inout scalar: T) -> CMutablePointer<T>
  @transparent static func __inout_conversion(inout a: Array<T>) -> CMutablePointer<T>
  var scoped: Bool {
    @transparent get {}
  @transparent func withUnsafePointer<U>(f: UnsafePointer<T> -> U) -> U
  @transparent func getLogicValue() -> Bool
  @transparent func _withBridgeObject<U, R>(inout buffer: U?, body: (AutoreleasingUnsafePointer<U?>) -> R) -> R
  @transparent func _withBridgeValue<U, R>(inout buffer: U, body: (CMutablePointer<U>) -> R) -> R
  func _setIfNonNil(body: () -> T)
  init(owner: AnyObject?, value: RawPointer)


struct CMutableVoidPointer : Equatable {
  let owner: AnyObject?
  let value: RawPointer
  @transparent static func __inout_conversion<T>(inout scalar: T) -> CMutableVoidPointer
  @transparent static func __inout_conversion<T>(inout a: Array<T>) -> CMutableVoidPointer
  var scoped: Bool {
    @transparent get {}
  @transparent func withUnsafePointer<T, U>(f: UnsafePointer<T> -> U) -> U
  init(owner: AnyObject?, value: RawPointer)


protocol Collection : _Collection, Sequence {
  subscript (i: Self.IndexType) -> Self.GeneratorType.Element { get }
  func ~>(_: Self, _: (_CountElements, ())) -> Self.IndexType.DistanceType


struct CollectionOfOne<T> : Collection {
  typealias IndexType = Bit
  init(_ element: T)
  var startIndex: IndexType {
    get {}
  var endIndex: IndexType {
    get {}
  func generate() -> GeneratorOfOne<T>
  subscript (i: IndexType) -> T {
    get {}
  let element: T


protocol Comparable : _Comparable, Equatable {
  func <=(lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Bool
  func >=(lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Bool
  func >(lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Bool
protocol _Comparable {
  func <(lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Bool


struct ContiguousArray<T> : MutableCollection, Sliceable {
  typealias Element = T
  var startIndex: Int {
    get {}
  var endIndex: Int {
    get {}
  subscript (index: Int) -> T {
    get {}
    set {}
  func generate() -> IndexingGenerator<ContiguousArray<T>>
  typealias SliceType = Slice<T>
  subscript (subRange: Range<Int>) -> Slice<T> {
    get {}
    set(rhs) {}
  typealias _Buffer = ContiguousArrayBuffer<T>
  init(_ buffer: ContiguousArrayBuffer<T>)
  var _buffer: ContiguousArrayBuffer<T>
extension ContiguousArray<T> : ArrayLiteralConvertible {
  static func convertFromArrayLiteral(elements: T...) -> ContiguousArray<T>
extension ContiguousArray<T> {
  func _asCocoaArray() -> _CocoaArray
extension ContiguousArray<T> : ArrayType {
  init<S : Sequence where T == T>(_ s: S)
  init(count: Int, repeatedValue: T)
  var count: Int {
    get {}
  var capacity: Int {
    get {}
  var isEmpty: Bool {
    get {}
  var _owner: AnyObject? {
    get {}
  var _elementStorageIfContiguous: UnsafePointer<T> {
    get {}
  var _elementStorage: UnsafePointer<T> {
    get {}
  func copy() -> ContiguousArray<T>
  func unshare()
  func reserveCapacity(minimumCapacity: Int)
  func append(newElement: T)
  func extend<S : Sequence where T == T>(sequence: S)
  func removeLast() -> T
  func insert(newElement: T, atIndex: Int)
  func removeAtIndex(index: Int) -> T
  func removeAll(keepCapacity: Bool = default)
  func join<S : Sequence where ContiguousArray<T> == ContiguousArray<T>>(elements: S) -> ContiguousArray<T>
  func reduce<U>(initial: U, combine: (U, T) -> U) -> U
  func sort(isOrderedBefore: (T, T) -> Bool)
  func map<U>(transform: (T) -> U) -> ContiguousArray<U>
  func reverse() -> ContiguousArray<T>
  func filter(includeElement: (T) -> Bool) -> ContiguousArray<T>
extension ContiguousArray<T> : Reflectable {
  func getMirror() -> Mirror
extension ContiguousArray<T> : Printable, DebugPrintable {
  func _makeDescription(#isDebug: Bool) -> String
  var description: String {
    get {}
  var debugDescription: String {
    get {}
extension ContiguousArray<T> {
  @transparent func _cPointerArgs() -> (AnyObject?, RawPointer)
  @conversion @transparent func __conversion() -> CConstPointer<T>
  @conversion @transparent func __conversion() -> CConstVoidPointer
extension ContiguousArray<T> {
  func withUnsafePointerToElements<R>(body: (UnsafePointer<T>) -> R) -> R
extension ContiguousArray<T> {
  func replaceRange<C : Collection where T == T>(subRange: Range<Int>, with newValues: C)


struct ContiguousArrayBuffer<T> : ArrayBufferType, LogicValue {
  init(count: Int, minimumCapacity: Int)
  init(_ storage: ContiguousArrayStorage<T>?)
  func getLogicValue() -> Bool
  var elementStorage: UnsafePointer<T> {
    get {}
  var _unsafeElementStorage: UnsafePointer<T> {
    get {}
  func withUnsafePointerToElements<R>(body: (UnsafePointer<T>) -> R) -> R
  func take() -> ContiguousArrayBuffer<T>
  typealias Element = T
  init(_ buffer: ContiguousArrayBuffer<T>)
  func requestUniqueMutableBuffer(minimumCapacity: Int) -> ContiguousArrayBuffer<T>?
  func requestNativeBuffer() -> ContiguousArrayBuffer<T>?
  subscript (i: Int) -> T {
    get {}
    set {}
  var count: Int {
    get {}
    set {}
  var capacity: Int {
    get {}
  func _uninitializedCopy(subRange: Range<Int>, target: UnsafePointer<T>) -> UnsafePointer<T>
  subscript (subRange: Range<Int>) -> SliceBuffer<T> {
    get {}
  func isUniquelyReferenced() -> Bool
  func isMutable() -> Bool
  func _asCocoaArray() -> _CocoaArray
  var owner: AnyObject? {
    get {}
  var identity: Word {
    get {}
  func canStoreElementsOfDynamicType(proposedElementType: Any.Type) -> Bool
  func storesOnlyElementsOfType<U>(_: U.Type) -> Bool
  var _storage: ContiguousArrayStorage<T>? {
    get {}
  typealias _Base = HeapBuffer<_ArrayBody, T>
  var _base: HeapBuffer<_ArrayBody, T>
extension ContiguousArrayBuffer<T> : Collection {
  var startIndex: Int {
    get {}
  var endIndex: Int {
    get {}
  func generate() -> IndexingGenerator<ContiguousArrayBuffer<T>>


@objc @final class ContiguousArrayStorage<T> : _NSSwiftArray {
  typealias Buffer = ContiguousArrayBuffer<T>
  @objc deinit
  @final @final @final @final func __getInstanceSizeAndAlignMask() -> (Int, Int)
  @final @final @final override func canStoreElementsOfDynamicType(proposedElementType: Any.Type) -> Bool
  @final @final @final override var staticElementType: Any.Type {
    @final @final @final get {}


struct COpaquePointer : Equatable, Hashable, LogicValue {
  var value: RawPointer
  init(_ v: RawPointer)
  static func null() -> COpaquePointer
  var _isNull: Bool {
    @transparent get {}
  @transparent func getLogicValue() -> Bool
  var hashValue: Int {
    get {}
extension COpaquePointer {
  @conversion @transparent func __conversion() -> CMutableVoidPointer
  @conversion @transparent func __conversion() -> CConstVoidPointer
extension COpaquePointer {
  init<T>(_ from: UnsafePointer<T>)
extension COpaquePointer : CVarArg {
  func encode() -> Word[]


typealias CShort = Int16


typealias CSignedChar = Int8


struct CString : _BuiltinExtendedGraphemeClusterLiteralConvertible, ExtendedGraphemeClusterLiteralConvertible, _BuiltinStringLiteralConvertible, StringLiteralConvertible, LogicValue {
  var _bytesPtr: UnsafePointer<UInt8>
  @transparent init(_ _bytesPtr: UnsafePointer<UInt8>)
  static func _convertFromBuiltinExtendedGraphemeClusterLiteral(start: RawPointer, byteSize: Word, isASCII: Int1) -> CString
  static func convertFromExtendedGraphemeClusterLiteral(value: CString) -> CString
  static func _convertFromBuiltinStringLiteral(start: RawPointer, byteSize: Word, isASCII: Int1) -> CString
  static func convertFromStringLiteral(value: CString) -> CString
  var _isNull: Bool {
    @transparent get {}
  @transparent func getLogicValue() -> Bool
  func persist() -> CChar[]?
extension CString : DebugPrintable {
  var debugDescription: String {
    get {}
extension CString : Equatable, Hashable, Comparable {
  var hashValue: Int {
    get {}
extension CString : Streamable {
  func writeTo<Target : OutputStream>(inout target: Target)


typealias CUnsignedChar = UInt8


typealias CUnsignedInt = UInt32


typealias CUnsignedLong = UInt


typealias CUnsignedLongLong = UInt64


typealias CUnsignedShort = UInt16


struct CVaListPointer {
  var value: UnsafePointer<Void>
  init(fromUnsafePointer from: UnsafePointer<Void>)
  @conversion func __conversion() -> CMutableVoidPointer


protocol CVarArg {
  func encode() -> Word[]


typealias CWideChar = UnicodeScalar


protocol DebugPrintable {
  var debugDescription: String { get }


struct Dictionary<KeyType : Hashable, ValueType> : Collection, DictionaryLiteralConvertible {
  typealias _Self = Dictionary<KeyType, ValueType>
  typealias _VariantStorage = _VariantDictionaryStorage<KeyType, ValueType>
  typealias _NativeStorage = _NativeDictionaryStorage<KeyType, ValueType>
  typealias Element = (KeyType, ValueType)
  typealias Index = DictionaryIndex<KeyType, ValueType>
  var _variantStorage: _VariantDictionaryStorage<KeyType, ValueType>
  init(minimumCapacity: Int = default)
  init(_nativeStorage: _NativeDictionaryStorage<KeyType, ValueType>)
  init(_cocoaDictionary: _SwiftNSDictionary)
  var startIndex: DictionaryIndex<KeyType, ValueType> {
    get {}
  var endIndex: DictionaryIndex<KeyType, ValueType> {
    get {}
  func indexForKey(key: KeyType) -> DictionaryIndex<KeyType, ValueType>?
  subscript (i: DictionaryIndex<KeyType, ValueType>) -> (KeyType, ValueType) {
    get {}
  subscript (key: KeyType) -> ValueType? {
    get {}
    set(newValue) {}
  func updateValue(value: ValueType, forKey key: KeyType) -> ValueType?
  func removeAtIndex(index: DictionaryIndex<KeyType, ValueType>)
  func removeValueForKey(key: KeyType) -> ValueType?
  func removeAll(keepCapacity: Bool = default)
  var count: Int {
    get {}
  func generate() -> DictionaryGenerator<KeyType, ValueType>
  static func convertFromDictionaryLiteral(elements: (KeyType, ValueType)...) -> Dictionary<KeyType, ValueType>
  var keys: MapCollectionView<Dictionary<KeyType, ValueType>, KeyType> {
    get {}
  var values: MapCollectionView<Dictionary<KeyType, ValueType>, ValueType> {
    get {}
extension Dictionary<KeyType, ValueType> : Printable, DebugPrintable {
  func _makeDescription(#isDebug: Bool) -> String
  var description: String {
    get {}
  var debugDescription: String {
    get {}
extension Dictionary<KeyType, ValueType> : Reflectable {
  func getMirror() -> Mirror


enum DictionaryGenerator<KeyType : Hashable, ValueType> : Generator {
  typealias _NativeIndex = _NativeDictionaryIndex<KeyType, ValueType>
  case _Native(start: _NativeDictionaryIndex<KeyType, ValueType>, end: _NativeDictionaryIndex<KeyType, ValueType>)
  case _Cocoa(_CocoaDictionaryGenerator)
  var _guaranteedNative: Bool {
    @transparent get {}
  func _nativeNext() -> (KeyType, ValueType)?
  func next() -> (KeyType, ValueType)?


enum DictionaryIndex<KeyType : Hashable, ValueType> : BidirectionalIndex {
  typealias _NativeIndex = _NativeDictionaryIndex<KeyType, ValueType>
  typealias _CocoaIndex = _CocoaDictionaryIndex
  case _Native(_NativeDictionaryIndex<KeyType, ValueType>)
  case _Cocoa(_CocoaIndex)
  var _guaranteedNative: Bool {
    @transparent get {}
  var _nativeIndex: _NativeDictionaryIndex<KeyType, ValueType> {
    @transparent get {}
  var _cocoaIndex: _CocoaIndex {
    @transparent get {}
  typealias Index = DictionaryIndex<KeyType, ValueType>
  func pred() -> DictionaryIndex<KeyType, ValueType>
  func succ() -> DictionaryIndex<KeyType, ValueType>


protocol DictionaryLiteralConvertible {
  typealias Key
  typealias Value
  class func convertFromDictionaryLiteral(elements: (Key, Value)...) -> Self


struct Double {
  var value: FPIEEE64
  @transparent init()
  @transparent init(_ v: FPIEEE64)
  @transparent init(_ value: Double)
extension Double : Printable {
  var description: String {
    get {}
extension Double : FloatingPointNumber {
  typealias _BitsType = UInt64
  static func _fromBitPattern(bits: _BitsType) -> Double
  func _toBitPattern() -> _BitsType
  func __getSignBit() -> Int
  func __getBiasedExponent() -> _BitsType
  func __getSignificand() -> _BitsType
  static var infinity: Double {
    get {}
  static var NaN: Double {
    get {}
  static var quietNaN: Double {
    get {}
  var isSignMinus: Bool {
    get {}
  var isNormal: Bool {
    get {}
  var isFinite: Bool {
    get {}
  var isZero: Bool {
    get {}
  var isSubnormal: Bool {
    get {}
  var isInfinite: Bool {
    get {}
  var isNaN: Bool {
    get {}
  var isSignaling: Bool {
    get {}
extension Double {
  var floatingPointClass: FloatingPointClassification {
    get {}
extension Double : _BuiltinIntegerLiteralConvertible, IntegerLiteralConvertible {
  @transparent static func _convertFromBuiltinIntegerLiteral(value: Int2048) -> Double
  @transparent static func convertFromIntegerLiteral(value: Int64) -> Double
extension Double : _BuiltinFloatLiteralConvertible {
  @transparent static func _convertFromBuiltinFloatLiteral(value: FPIEEE64) -> Double
extension Double : FloatLiteralConvertible {
  @transparent static func convertFromFloatLiteral(value: Double) -> Double
extension Double : Comparable {
extension Double : Hashable {
  var hashValue: Int {
    get {}
extension Double : AbsoluteValuable {
  @transparent static func abs(x: Double) -> Double
extension Double {
  @transparent init(_ v: UInt8)
  @transparent init(_ v: Int8)
  @transparent init(_ v: UInt16)
  @transparent init(_ v: Int16)
  @transparent init(_ v: UInt32)
  @transparent init(_ v: Int32)
  @transparent init(_ v: UInt64)
  @transparent init(_ v: Int64)
  @transparent init(_ v: UInt)
  @transparent init(_ v: Int)
extension Double {
  @transparent init(_ v: Float)
  @transparent init(_ v: Float80)
extension Double : RandomAccessIndex {
  @transparent func succ() -> Double
  @transparent func pred() -> Double
  @transparent func distanceTo(other: Double) -> Int
  @transparent func advancedBy(amount: Int) -> Double
extension Float64 : Reflectable {
  func getMirror() -> Mirror
extension Double : CVarArg {
  func encode() -> Word[]


struct EmptyCollection<T> : Collection {
  typealias IndexType = Int
  var startIndex: IndexType {
    get {}
  var endIndex: IndexType {
    get {}
  func generate() -> EmptyGenerator<T>
  subscript (i: IndexType) -> T {
    get {}


struct EmptyGenerator<T> : Generator, Sequence {
  func generate() -> EmptyGenerator<T>
  func next() -> T?


struct EnumerateGenerator<Base : Generator> : Generator, Sequence {
  typealias Element = (index: Int, element: Base.Element)
  var base: Base
  var count: Int
  init(_ base: Base)
  func next() -> Element?
  typealias GeneratorType = EnumerateGenerator<Base>
  func generate() -> EnumerateGenerator<Base>


protocol Equatable {
  func ==(lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Bool


protocol ExtendedGraphemeClusterLiteralConvertible {
  typealias ExtendedGraphemeClusterLiteralType : _BuiltinExtendedGraphemeClusterLiteralConvertible
  class func convertFromExtendedGraphemeClusterLiteral(value: ExtendedGraphemeClusterLiteralType) -> Self


typealias ExtendedGraphemeClusterType = String


protocol ExtensibleCollection : _ExtensibleCollection {
protocol _ExtensibleCollection : Collection {
  func reserveCapacity(n: Self.IndexType.DistanceType)
  func extend<S : Sequence where `Self`.GeneratorType.Element == Self.GeneratorType.Element>(_: S)


struct FilterCollectionView<Base : Collection> : Collection {
  typealias IndexType = FilterCollectionViewIndex<Base>
  var startIndex: FilterCollectionViewIndex<Base> {
    get {}
  var endIndex: FilterCollectionViewIndex<Base> {
    get {}
  subscript (index: FilterCollectionViewIndex<Base>) -> Base.GeneratorType.Element {
    get {}
  func generate() -> FilterGenerator<Base.GeneratorType>
  var _base: Base
  var _include: (Base.GeneratorType.Element) -> Bool
  init(_base: Base, _include: (Base.GeneratorType.Element) -> Bool)


struct FilterCollectionViewIndex<Base : Collection> : ForwardIndex {
  func succ() -> FilterCollectionViewIndex<Base>
  var _pos: Base.IndexType
  var _end: Base.IndexType
  var _base: Base
  var _include: (Base.GeneratorType.Element) -> Bool
  init(_pos: Base.IndexType, _end: Base.IndexType, _base: Base, _include: (Base.GeneratorType.Element) -> Bool)


struct FilterGenerator<Base : Generator> : Generator, Sequence {
  func next() -> Base.Element?
  func generate() -> FilterGenerator<Base>
  var _base: Base
  var _include: (Base.Element) -> Bool
  init(_base: Base, _include: (Base.Element) -> Bool)


struct FilterSequenceView<Base : Sequence> : Sequence {
  func generate() -> FilterGenerator<Base.GeneratorType>
  var _base: Base
  var _include: (Base.GeneratorType.Element) -> Bool
  init(_base: Base, _include: (Base.GeneratorType.Element) -> Bool)


struct Float {
  var value: FPIEEE32
  @transparent init()
  @transparent init(_ v: FPIEEE32)
  @transparent init(_ value: Float)
extension Float : Printable {
  var description: String {
    get {}
extension Float : FloatingPointNumber {
  typealias _BitsType = UInt32
  static func _fromBitPattern(bits: _BitsType) -> Float
  func _toBitPattern() -> _BitsType
  func __getSignBit() -> Int
  func __getBiasedExponent() -> _BitsType
  func __getSignificand() -> _BitsType
  static var infinity: Float {
    get {}
  static var NaN: Float {
    get {}
  static var quietNaN: Float {
    get {}
  var isSignMinus: Bool {
    get {}
  var isNormal: Bool {
    get {}
  var isFinite: Bool {
    get {}
  var isZero: Bool {
    get {}
  var isSubnormal: Bool {
    get {}
  var isInfinite: Bool {
    get {}
  var isNaN: Bool {
    get {}
  var isSignaling: Bool {
    get {}
extension Float {
  var floatingPointClass: FloatingPointClassification {
    get {}
extension Float : _BuiltinIntegerLiteralConvertible, IntegerLiteralConvertible {
  @transparent static func _convertFromBuiltinIntegerLiteral(value: Int2048) -> Float
  @transparent static func convertFromIntegerLiteral(value: Int64) -> Float
extension Float : _BuiltinFloatLiteralConvertible {
  @transparent static func _convertFromBuiltinFloatLiteral(value: FPIEEE64) -> Float
extension Float : FloatLiteralConvertible {
  @transparent static func convertFromFloatLiteral(value: Float) -> Float
extension Float : Comparable {
extension Float : Hashable {
  var hashValue: Int {
    get {}
extension Float : AbsoluteValuable {
  @transparent static func abs(x: Float) -> Float
extension Float {
  @transparent init(_ v: UInt8)
  @transparent init(_ v: Int8)
  @transparent init(_ v: UInt16)
  @transparent init(_ v: Int16)
  @transparent init(_ v: UInt32)
  @transparent init(_ v: Int32)
  @transparent init(_ v: UInt64)
  @transparent init(_ v: Int64)
  @transparent init(_ v: UInt)
  @transparent init(_ v: Int)
extension Float {
  @transparent init(_ v: Double)
  @transparent init(_ v: Float80)
extension Float : RandomAccessIndex {
  @transparent func succ() -> Float
  @transparent func pred() -> Float
  @transparent func distanceTo(other: Float) -> Int
  @transparent func advancedBy(amount: Int) -> Float
extension Float32 : Reflectable {
  func getMirror() -> Mirror
extension Float : CVarArg {
  func encode() -> Word[]


typealias Float32 = Float


typealias Float64 = Double


struct Float80 {
  var value: FPIEEE80
  @transparent init()
  @transparent init(_ v: FPIEEE80)
  @transparent init(_ value: Float80)
extension Float80 : Printable {
  var description: String {
    get {}
extension Float80 : _BuiltinIntegerLiteralConvertible, IntegerLiteralConvertible {
  @transparent static func _convertFromBuiltinIntegerLiteral(value: Int2048) -> Float80
  @transparent static func convertFromIntegerLiteral(value: Int64) -> Float80
extension Float80 : _BuiltinFloatLiteralConvertible {
  @transparent static func _convertFromBuiltinFloatLiteral(value: FPIEEE64) -> Float80
extension Float80 : FloatLiteralConvertible {
  @transparent static func convertFromFloatLiteral(value: Float80) -> Float80
extension Float80 : Comparable {
extension Float80 : Hashable {
  var hashValue: Int {
    get {}
extension Float80 : AbsoluteValuable {
  @transparent static func abs(x: Float80) -> Float80
extension Float80 {
  @transparent init(_ v: UInt8)
  @transparent init(_ v: Int8)
  @transparent init(_ v: UInt16)
  @transparent init(_ v: Int16)
  @transparent init(_ v: UInt32)
  @transparent init(_ v: Int32)
  @transparent init(_ v: UInt64)
  @transparent init(_ v: Int64)
  @transparent init(_ v: UInt)
  @transparent init(_ v: Int)
extension Float80 {
  @transparent init(_ v: Float)
  @transparent init(_ v: Double)
extension Float80 : RandomAccessIndex {
  @transparent func succ() -> Float80
  @transparent func pred() -> Float80
  @transparent func distanceTo(other: Float80) -> Int
  @transparent func advancedBy(amount: Int) -> Float80


enum FloatingPointClassification {
  case SignalingNaN
  case QuietNaN
  case NegativeInfinity
  case NegativeNormal
  case NegativeSubnormal
  case NegativeZero
  case PositiveZero
  case PositiveSubnormal
  case PositiveNormal
  case PositiveInfinity
  var hashValue: Int {
    get {}
extension FloatingPointClassification : Equatable {


protocol FloatingPointNumber {
  typealias _BitsType
  class func _fromBitPattern(bits: _BitsType) -> Self
  func _toBitPattern() -> _BitsType
  class var infinity: Self { get }
  class var NaN: Self { get }
  class var quietNaN: Self { get }
  var floatingPointClass: FloatingPointClassification { get }
  var isSignMinus: Bool { get }
  var isNormal: Bool { get }
  var isFinite: Bool { get }
  var isZero: Bool { get }
  var isSubnormal: Bool { get }
  var isInfinite: Bool { get }
  var isNaN: Bool { get }
  var isSignaling: Bool { get }


protocol FloatLiteralConvertible {
  typealias FloatLiteralType : _BuiltinFloatLiteralConvertible
  class func convertFromFloatLiteral(value: FloatLiteralType) -> Self


typealias FloatLiteralType = Double


protocol ForwardIndex : _ForwardIndex {
  func ~>(start: Self, _: (_Distance, Self)) -> Self.DistanceType
  func ~>(start: Self, _: (_Advance, Self.DistanceType)) -> Self
  func ~>(start: Self, _: (_Advance, (Self.DistanceType, Self))) -> Self


protocol Generator {
  typealias Element
  func next() -> Element?


struct GeneratorOf<T> : Generator, Sequence {
  init(_ next: () -> T?)
  init<G : Generator where T == T>(_ self_: G)
  func next() -> T?
  func generate() -> GeneratorOf<T>
  let _next: () -> T?


struct GeneratorOfOne<T> : Generator, Sequence {
  init(_ elements: T?)
  func generate() -> GeneratorOfOne<T>
  func next() -> T?
  var elements: T?


struct GeneratorSequence<G : Generator> : Generator, Sequence {
  init(_ base: G)
  func next() -> G.Element?
  func generate() -> GeneratorSequence<G>
  var _base: G


protocol Hashable : Equatable {
  var hashValue: Int { get }


struct HeapBuffer<Value, Element> : LogicValue, Equatable {
  typealias Storage = HeapBufferStorage<Value, Element>
  let storage: HeapBufferStorage<Value, Element>?
  static func _valueOffset() -> Int
  static func _elementOffset() -> Int
  static func _requiredAlignMask() -> Int
  var _address: UnsafePointer<Int8> {
    get {}
  var _value: UnsafePointer<Value> {
    get {}
  var elementStorage: UnsafePointer<Element> {
    get {}
  func _allocatedSize() -> Int
  func _allocatedAlignMask() -> Int
  func _allocatedSizeAndAlignMask() -> (Int, Int)
  func _capacity() -> Int
  init(_ storage: HeapBufferStorage<Value, Element>)
  init(_ storageClass: HeapBufferStorageBase.Type, _ initializer: Value, _ capacity: Int)
  var value: Value {
    get {}
    set(newValue) {}
  func getLogicValue() -> Bool
  subscript (i: Int) -> Element {
    get {}
    set(newValue) {}
  @conversion func __conversion() -> NativeObject
  static func fromNativeObject(x: NativeObject) -> HeapBuffer<Value, Element>
  func isUniquelyReferenced() -> Bool


@objc class HeapBufferStorage<Value, Element> : HeapBufferStorageBase {
  typealias Buffer = HeapBuffer<Value, Element>
  @objc deinit
  func __getInstanceSizeAndAlignMask() -> (Int, Int)


@objc class HeapBufferStorageBase {
  @objc deinit
  @objc init()


struct ImplicitlyUnwrappedOptional<T> : LogicValue, Reflectable {
  var value: T?
  init(_ v: T?)
  static var None: ImplicitlyUnwrappedOptional<T> {
    @transparent get {}
  @transparent static func Some(value: T) -> ImplicitlyUnwrappedOptional<T>
  @transparent func getLogicValue() -> Bool
  func getMirror() -> Mirror
  func map<U>(f: (T) -> U) -> ImplicitlyUnwrappedOptional<U>
extension ImplicitlyUnwrappedOptional<T> : Printable {
  var description: String {
    get {}
extension ImplicitlyUnwrappedOptional<T> : _ConditionallyBridgedToObjectiveC {
  typealias ObjectiveCType = AnyObject
  static func getObjectiveCType() -> Any.Type
  func bridgeToObjectiveC() -> AnyObject
  static func bridgeFromObjectiveC(x: AnyObject) -> T!?
  static func isBridgedToObjectiveC() -> Bool


struct IndexingGenerator<C : _Collection> : Generator, Sequence {
  init(_ seq: C)
  func generate() -> IndexingGenerator<C>
  func next() -> C._Element?
  var _elements: C
  var _position: C.IndexType


@final class IndirectArrayBuffer {
  init<T>(nativeBuffer: ContiguousArrayBuffer<T>, isMutable: Bool, needsElementTypeCheck: Bool)
  init(cocoa: _CocoaArray, needsElementTypeCheck: Bool)
  init<Target>(castFrom source: IndirectArrayBuffer, toElementType _: Target.Type)
  @final @final @final func replaceStorage<T>(newBuffer: ContiguousArrayBuffer<T>)
  var buffer: AnyObject?
  var isMutable: Bool
  var isCocoa: Bool
  var needsElementTypeCheck: Bool
  @final @final @final func getNativeBufferOf<T>(_: T.Type) -> ContiguousArrayBuffer<T>
  @final @final @final func getCocoa() -> _CocoaArray
  @objc deinit


struct Int : SignedInteger {
  var value: Word
  @transparent init()
  @transparent init(_ v: Word)
  @transparent init(_ value: Int)
  @transparent static func _convertFromBuiltinIntegerLiteral(value: Int2048) -> Int
  @transparent static func convertFromIntegerLiteral(value: Int) -> Int
  @transparent func _getBuiltinArrayBoundValue() -> Word
  typealias ArrayBoundType = Int
  func getArrayBoundValue() -> Int
  static var max: Int {
    @transparent get {}
  static var min: Int {
    @transparent get {}
extension Int : Hashable {
  var hashValue: Int {
    get {}
extension Int : Printable {
  var description: String {
    get {}
extension Int : RandomAccessIndex {
  @transparent func succ() -> Int
  @transparent func pred() -> Int
  @transparent func distanceTo(other: Int) -> Int
  @transparent func advancedBy(amount: Int) -> Int
  @transparent static func uncheckedAdd(lhs: Int, _ rhs: Int) -> (Int, Bool)
  @transparent static func uncheckedSubtract(lhs: Int, _ rhs: Int) -> (Int, Bool)
  @transparent static func uncheckedMultiply(lhs: Int, _ rhs: Int) -> (Int, Bool)
  @transparent static func uncheckedDivide(lhs: Int, _ rhs: Int) -> (Int, Bool)
  @transparent static func uncheckedModulus(lhs: Int, _ rhs: Int) -> (Int, Bool)
  @transparent func toIntMax() -> IntMax
  @transparent static func from(x: IntMax) -> Int
extension Int : SignedNumber {
extension Int {
  @transparent init(_ v: UInt8)
  @transparent init(_ v: Int8)
  @transparent init(_ v: UInt16)
  @transparent init(_ v: Int16)
  @transparent init(_ v: UInt32)
  @transparent init(_ v: Int32)
  @transparent init(_ v: UInt64)
  @transparent init(_ v: Int64)
  @transparent init(_ v: UInt)
  @transparent func asUnsigned() -> UInt
extension Int : BitwiseOperations {
  static var allZeros: Int {
    @transparent get {}
extension Int {
  @transparent init(_ v: Float)
  @transparent init(_ v: Double)
  @transparent init(_ v: Float80)
extension Int : Reflectable {
  func getMirror() -> Mirror
extension Int : CVarArg {
  func encode() -> Word[]


struct Int16 : SignedInteger {
  var value: Int16
  @transparent init()
  @transparent init(_ v: Int16)
  @transparent init(_ value: Int16)
  @transparent static func _convertFromBuiltinIntegerLiteral(value: Int2048) -> Int16
  @transparent static func convertFromIntegerLiteral(value: Int16) -> Int16
  @transparent func _getBuiltinArrayBoundValue() -> Word
  typealias ArrayBoundType = Int16
  func getArrayBoundValue() -> Int16
  static var max: Int16 {
    @transparent get {}
  static var min: Int16 {
    @transparent get {}
extension Int16 : Hashable {
  var hashValue: Int {
    get {}
extension Int16 : Printable {
  var description: String {
    get {}
extension Int16 : RandomAccessIndex {
  @transparent func succ() -> Int16
  @transparent func pred() -> Int16
  @transparent func distanceTo(other: Int16) -> Int
  @transparent func advancedBy(amount: Int) -> Int16
  @transparent static func uncheckedAdd(lhs: Int16, _ rhs: Int16) -> (Int16, Bool)
  @transparent static func uncheckedSubtract(lhs: Int16, _ rhs: Int16) -> (Int16, Bool)
  @transparent static func uncheckedMultiply(lhs: Int16, _ rhs: Int16) -> (Int16, Bool)
  @transparent static func uncheckedDivide(lhs: Int16, _ rhs: Int16) -> (Int16, Bool)
  @transparent static func uncheckedModulus(lhs: Int16, _ rhs: Int16) -> (Int16, Bool)
  @transparent func toIntMax() -> IntMax
  @transparent static func from(x: IntMax) -> Int16
extension Int16 : SignedNumber {
extension Int16 {
  @transparent init(_ v: UInt8)
  @transparent init(_ v: Int8)
  @transparent init(_ v: UInt16)
  @transparent init(_ v: UInt32)
  @transparent init(_ v: Int32)
  @transparent init(_ v: UInt64)
  @transparent init(_ v: Int64)
  @transparent init(_ v: UInt)
  @transparent init(_ v: Int)
  @transparent func asUnsigned() -> UInt16
extension Int16 : BitwiseOperations {
  static var allZeros: Int16 {
    @transparent get {}
extension Int16 {
  @transparent init(_ v: Float)
  @transparent init(_ v: Double)
  @transparent init(_ v: Float80)
extension Int16 : Reflectable {
  func getMirror() -> Mirror
extension Int16 : CVarArg {
  func encode() -> Word[]


struct Int32 : SignedInteger {
  var value: Int32
  @transparent init()
  @transparent init(_ v: Int32)
  @transparent init(_ value: Int32)
  @transparent static func _convertFromBuiltinIntegerLiteral(value: Int2048) -> Int32
  @transparent static func convertFromIntegerLiteral(value: Int32) -> Int32
  @transparent func _getBuiltinArrayBoundValue() -> Word
  typealias ArrayBoundType = Int32
  func getArrayBoundValue() -> Int32
  static var max: Int32 {
    @transparent get {}
  static var min: Int32 {
    @transparent get {}
extension Int32 : Hashable {
  var hashValue: Int {
    get {}
extension Int32 : Printable {
  var description: String {
    get {}
extension Int32 : RandomAccessIndex {
  @transparent func succ() -> Int32
  @transparent func pred() -> Int32
  @transparent func distanceTo(other: Int32) -> Int
  @transparent func advancedBy(amount: Int) -> Int32
  @transparent static func uncheckedAdd(lhs: Int32, _ rhs: Int32) -> (Int32, Bool)
  @transparent static func uncheckedSubtract(lhs: Int32, _ rhs: Int32) -> (Int32, Bool)
  @transparent static func uncheckedMultiply(lhs: Int32, _ rhs: Int32) -> (Int32, Bool)
  @transparent static func uncheckedDivide(lhs: Int32, _ rhs: Int32) -> (Int32, Bool)
  @transparent static func uncheckedModulus(lhs: Int32, _ rhs: Int32) -> (Int32, Bool)
  @transparent func toIntMax() -> IntMax
  @transparent static func from(x: IntMax) -> Int32
extension Int32 : SignedNumber {
extension Int32 {
  @transparent init(_ v: UInt8)
  @transparent init(_ v: Int8)
  @transparent init(_ v: UInt16)
  @transparent init(_ v: Int16)
  @transparent init(_ v: UInt32)
  @transparent init(_ v: UInt64)
  @transparent init(_ v: Int64)
  @transparent init(_ v: UInt)
  @transparent init(_ v: Int)
  @transparent func asUnsigned() -> UInt32
extension Int32 : BitwiseOperations {
  static var allZeros: Int32 {
    @transparent get {}
extension Int32 {
  @transparent init(_ v: Float)
  @transparent init(_ v: Double)
  @transparent init(_ v: Float80)
extension Int32 : Reflectable {
  func getMirror() -> Mirror
extension Int32 : CVarArg {
  func encode() -> Word[]


struct Int64 : SignedInteger {
  var value: Int64
  @transparent init()
  @transparent init(_ v: Int64)
  @transparent init(_ value: Int64)
  @transparent static func _convertFromBuiltinIntegerLiteral(value: Int2048) -> Int64
  @transparent static func convertFromIntegerLiteral(value: Int64) -> Int64
  @transparent func _getBuiltinArrayBoundValue() -> Word
  typealias ArrayBoundType = Int64
  func getArrayBoundValue() -> Int64
  static var max: Int64 {
    @transparent get {}
  static var min: Int64 {
    @transparent get {}
extension Int64 : Hashable {
  var hashValue: Int {
    get {}
extension Int64 : Printable {
  var description: String {
    get {}
extension Int64 : RandomAccessIndex {
  @transparent func succ() -> Int64
  @transparent func pred() -> Int64
  @transparent func distanceTo(other: Int64) -> Int
  @transparent func advancedBy(amount: Int) -> Int64
  @transparent static func uncheckedAdd(lhs: Int64, _ rhs: Int64) -> (Int64, Bool)
  @transparent static func uncheckedSubtract(lhs: Int64, _ rhs: Int64) -> (Int64, Bool)
  @transparent static func uncheckedMultiply(lhs: Int64, _ rhs: Int64) -> (Int64, Bool)
  @transparent static func uncheckedDivide(lhs: Int64, _ rhs: Int64) -> (Int64, Bool)
  @transparent static func uncheckedModulus(lhs: Int64, _ rhs: Int64) -> (Int64, Bool)
  @transparent func toIntMax() -> IntMax
  @transparent static func from(x: IntMax) -> Int64
extension Int64 : SignedNumber {
extension Int64 {
  @transparent init(_ v: UInt8)
  @transparent init(_ v: Int8)
  @transparent init(_ v: UInt16)
  @transparent init(_ v: Int16)
  @transparent init(_ v: UInt32)
  @transparent init(_ v: Int32)
  @transparent init(_ v: UInt64)
  @transparent init(_ v: UInt)
  @transparent init(_ v: Int)
  @transparent func asUnsigned() -> UInt64
extension Int64 : BitwiseOperations {
  static var allZeros: Int64 {
    @transparent get {}
extension Int64 {
  @transparent init(_ v: Float)
  @transparent init(_ v: Double)
  @transparent init(_ v: Float80)
extension Int64 : Reflectable {
  func getMirror() -> Mirror
extension Int64 : CVarArg {
  func encode() -> Word[]


struct Int8 : SignedInteger {
  var value: Int8
  @transparent init()
  @transparent init(_ v: Int8)
  @transparent init(_ value: Int8)
  @transparent static func _convertFromBuiltinIntegerLiteral(value: Int2048) -> Int8
  @transparent static func convertFromIntegerLiteral(value: Int8) -> Int8
  @transparent func _getBuiltinArrayBoundValue() -> Word
  typealias ArrayBoundType = Int8
  func getArrayBoundValue() -> Int8
  static var max: Int8 {
    @transparent get {}
  static var min: Int8 {
    @transparent get {}
extension Int8 : Hashable {
  var hashValue: Int {
    get {}
extension Int8 : Printable {
  var description: String {
    get {}
extension Int8 : RandomAccessIndex {
  @transparent func succ() -> Int8
  @transparent func pred() -> Int8
  @transparent func distanceTo(other: Int8) -> Int
  @transparent func advancedBy(amount: Int) -> Int8
  @transparent static func uncheckedAdd(lhs: Int8, _ rhs: Int8) -> (Int8, Bool)
  @transparent static func uncheckedSubtract(lhs: Int8, _ rhs: Int8) -> (Int8, Bool)
  @transparent static func uncheckedMultiply(lhs: Int8, _ rhs: Int8) -> (Int8, Bool)
  @transparent static func uncheckedDivide(lhs: Int8, _ rhs: Int8) -> (Int8, Bool)
  @transparent static func uncheckedModulus(lhs: Int8, _ rhs: Int8) -> (Int8, Bool)
  @transparent func toIntMax() -> IntMax
  @transparent static func from(x: IntMax) -> Int8
extension Int8 : SignedNumber {
extension Int8 {
  @transparent init(_ v: UInt8)
  @transparent init(_ v: UInt16)
  @transparent init(_ v: Int16)
  @transparent init(_ v: UInt32)
  @transparent init(_ v: Int32)
  @transparent init(_ v: UInt64)
  @transparent init(_ v: Int64)
  @transparent init(_ v: UInt)
  @transparent init(_ v: Int)
  @transparent func asUnsigned() -> UInt8
extension Int8 : BitwiseOperations {
  static var allZeros: Int8 {
    @transparent get {}
extension Int8 {
  @transparent init(_ v: Float)
  @transparent init(_ v: Double)
  @transparent init(_ v: Float80)
extension Int8 : Reflectable {
  func getMirror() -> Mirror
extension Int8 : CVarArg {
  func encode() -> Word[]


protocol Integer : _Integer, RandomAccessIndex {

protocol _Integer : _BuiltinIntegerLiteralConvertible, IntegerLiteralConvertible, Printable, ArrayBound, Hashable, IntegerArithmetic, BitwiseOperations, _Incrementable {


protocol IntegerArithmetic : _IntegerArithmetic, Comparable {
  func +(lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Self
  func -(lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Self
  func *(lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Self
  func /(lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Self
  func %(lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Self
  func toIntMax() -> IntMax


protocol IntegerLiteralConvertible {
  typealias IntegerLiteralType : _BuiltinIntegerLiteralConvertible
  class func convertFromIntegerLiteral(value: IntegerLiteralType) -> Self


typealias IntegerLiteralType = Int


struct IntEncoder : Sink {
  var asInt: UInt64
  var shift: UInt64
  func put(x: CodeUnit)
  init(asInt: UInt64, shift: UInt64)


typealias IntMax = Int64


struct Less<T : Comparable> {
  static func compare(x: T, _ y: T) -> Bool


class LifetimeManager {
  var _managedRefs: NativeObject[]
  var _releaseCalled: Bool
  @objc deinit
  func put(objPtr: NativeObject)
  func release()


protocol LogicValue {
  func getLogicValue() -> Bool


struct MapCollectionView<Base : Collection, T> : Collection {
  var startIndex: Base.IndexType {
    get {}
  var endIndex: Base.IndexType {
    get {}
  subscript (index: Base.IndexType) -> T {
    get {}
  func generate() -> MapSequenceGenerator<Base.GeneratorType, T>
  var _base: Base
  var _transform: (Base.GeneratorType.Element) -> T
  init(_base: Base, _transform: (Base.GeneratorType.Element) -> T)


struct MapSequenceGenerator<Base : Generator, T> : Generator, Sequence {
  func next() -> T?
  func generate() -> MapSequenceGenerator<Base, T>
  var _base: Base
  var _transform: (Base.Element) -> T
  init(_base: Base, _transform: (Base.Element) -> T)


struct MapSequenceView<Base : Sequence, T> : Sequence {
  func generate() -> MapSequenceGenerator<Base.GeneratorType, T>
  var _base: Base
  var _transform: (Base.GeneratorType.Element) -> T
  init(_base: Base, _transform: (Base.GeneratorType.Element) -> T)


typealias MaxBuiltinFloatType = FPIEEE64


typealias MaxBuiltinIntegerType = Int2048


protocol Mirror {
  var value: Any { get }
  var valueType: Any.Type { get }
  var objectIdentifier: ObjectIdentifier? { get }
  var count: Int { get }
  subscript (i: Int) -> (String, Mirror) { get }
  var summary: String { get }
  var quickLookObject: QuickLookObject? { get }
  var disposition: MirrorDisposition { get }


enum MirrorDisposition {
  case Struct
  case Class
  case Enum
  case Tuple
  case Aggregate
  case IndexContainer
  case KeyContainer
  case MembershipContainer
  case Container
  case Optional
  var hashValue: Int {
    get {}


protocol MutableCollection : Collection {
  subscript (i: Self.IndexType) -> Self.GeneratorType.Element { get set }


protocol MutableSliceable : Sliceable, MutableCollection {
  subscript (_: Range<Self.IndexType>) -> Self.SliceType { get set }


struct ObjectIdentifier : Hashable {
  let value: RawPointer
  func uintValue() -> UInt
  var hashValue: Int {
    get {}
  init(_ x: AnyObject)


struct OnHeap<T> {
  typealias Buffer = HeapBuffer<T, Void>
  init(_ value: T)
  @conversion func __conversion() -> T
  var _storage: HeapBuffer<T, Void>


This is the alias of Type? .

enum Optional<T> : LogicValue, Reflectable {
  case None
  case Some(T)
  init(_ some: T)
  @transparent func getLogicValue() -> Bool
  func map<U>(f: (T) -> U) -> U?
  func getMirror() -> Mirror
extension Optional<T> : Printable {
  var description: String {
    get {}


protocol OutputStream {
  func write(string: String)


struct PermutationGenerator<C : Collection, Indices : Sequence where C.IndexType == C.IndexType> : Generator, Sequence {
  var seq: C
  var indices: Indices.GeneratorType
  typealias Element = C.GeneratorType.Element
  func next() -> Element?
  typealias GeneratorType = PermutationGenerator<C, Indices>
  func generate() -> PermutationGenerator<C, Indices>
  init(elements seq: C, indices: Indices)


protocol Printable {
  var description: String { get }


enum QuickLookObject {
  case Text(String)
  case Int(Int64)
  case UInt(UInt64)
  case Float(Double)
  case Image(Any)
  case Sound(Any)
  case Color(Any)
  case BezierPath(Any)
  case AttributedString(Any)
  case Rectangle(Double, Double, Double, Double)
  case Point(Double, Double)
  case Size(Double, Double)
  case Logical(Bool)
  case Range(UInt64, UInt64)
  case View(Any)
  case Sprite(Any)
  case URL(String)
  case _Raw(UInt8[], String)


protocol RandomAccessIndex : BidirectionalIndex, _RandomAccessIndex {}
protocol _RandomAccessIndex : _BidirectionalIndex {
  func distanceTo(_: Self) -> Self.DistanceType
  func advancedBy(_: Self.DistanceType) -> Self


struct Range<T : ForwardIndex> : LogicValue, Sliceable {
  @transparent init(start: T, end: T)
  var isEmpty: Bool {
    get {}
  func getLogicValue() -> Bool
  subscript (i: T) -> T {
    get {}
  subscript (x: Range<T>) -> Range<T> {
    get {}
  typealias GeneratorType = RangeGenerator<T>
  func generate() -> RangeGenerator<T>
  func by(stride: T.DistanceType) -> StridedRangeGenerator<T>
  var startIndex: T {
    get {}
    set(newValue) {}
  var endIndex: T {
    get {}
    set(newValue) {}
  var _startIndex: T
  var _endIndex: T


struct RangeGenerator<T : ForwardIndex> : Generator, Sequence {
  typealias Element = T
  @transparent init(_ bounds: Range<T>)
  func next() -> T?
  typealias GeneratorType = RangeGenerator<T>
  func generate() -> RangeGenerator<T>
  var startIndex: T
  var endIndex: T


struct RawByte {
  let _inaccessible: UInt8
  init(_inaccessible: UInt8)


protocol RawOptionSet : _RawOptionSet, LogicValue, Equatable {
  class func fromMask(raw: Self.RawType) -> Self


protocol RawRepresentable {
  typealias RawType
  class func fromRaw(raw: RawType) -> Self?
  func toRaw() -> RawType


protocol Reflectable {
  func getMirror() -> Mirror


struct Repeat<T> : Collection {
  typealias IndexType = Int
  init(count: Int, repeatedValue: T)
  var startIndex: IndexType {
    get {}
  var endIndex: IndexType {
    get {}
  func generate() -> IndexingGenerator<Repeat<T>>
  subscript (i: Int) -> T {
    get {}
  var count: Int
  let repeatedValue: T


struct ReverseIndex<I : BidirectionalIndex> : BidirectionalIndex {
  var _base: I
  init(_ _base: I)
  func succ() -> ReverseIndex<I>
  func pred() -> ReverseIndex<I>


struct ReverseRange<T : BidirectionalIndex> : Sequence {
  init(start: T, pastEnd: T)
  init(range fwd: Range<T>)
  func isEmpty() -> Bool
  func bounds() -> (T, T)
  typealias GeneratorType = ReverseRangeGenerator<T>
  func generate() -> ReverseRangeGenerator<T>
  var _bounds: (T, T)


struct ReverseRangeGenerator<T : BidirectionalIndex> : Generator, Sequence {
  typealias Element = T
  @transparent init(start: T, pastEnd: T)
  func next() -> T?
  typealias GeneratorType = ReverseRangeGenerator<T>
  func generate() -> ReverseRangeGenerator<T>
  var _bounds: (T, T)


struct ReverseView<T : Collection where T.IndexType : BidirectionalIndex> : Collection {
  typealias IndexType = ReverseIndex<T.IndexType>
  typealias GeneratorType = IndexingGenerator<ReverseView<T>>
  init(_ _base: T)
  func generate() -> IndexingGenerator<ReverseView<T>>
  var startIndex: IndexType {
    get {}
  var endIndex: IndexType {
    get {}
  subscript (i: IndexType) -> T.GeneratorType.Element {
    get {}
  var _base: T


protocol Sequence : _Sequence_ {
  typealias GeneratorType : Generator
  func generate() -> GeneratorType
  func ~>(_: Self, _: (_UnderestimateCount, ())) -> Int
  func ~><R>(_: Self, _: (_PreprocessingPass, ((Self) -> R))) -> R?
  func ~>(_: Self, _: (_CopyToNativeArrayBuffer, ())) -> ContiguousArrayBuffer<Self.GeneratorType.Element>


struct SequenceOf<T> : Sequence {
  init<G : Generator where T == T>(_ generate: () -> G)
  init<S : Sequence where T == T>(_ self_: S)
  func generate() -> GeneratorOf<T>
  let _generate: () -> GeneratorOf<T>


protocol SignedInteger : _SignedInteger, Integer {
protocol _SignedInteger : _Integer, SignedNumber {
  func toIntMax() -> IntMax
  class func from(_: IntMax) -> Self


protocol SignedNumber : _SignedNumber {
  func -(x: Self) -> Self
  func ~>(_: Self, _: (_Abs, ())) -> Self


protocol Sink {
  typealias Element
  func put(x: Element)


struct SinkOf<T> : Sink {
  init(_ put: (T) -> ())
  init<S : Sink where T == T>(_ base: S)
  func put(x: T)
  let _put: (T) -> ()


struct Slice<T> : MutableCollection, Sliceable {
  typealias Element = T
  var startIndex: Int {
    get {}
  var endIndex: Int {
    get {}
  subscript (index: Int) -> T {
    get {}
    set {}
  func generate() -> IndexingGenerator<Slice<T>>
  typealias SliceType = Slice<T>
  subscript (subRange: Range<Int>) -> Slice<T> {
    get {}
    set(rhs) {}
  typealias _Buffer = SliceBuffer<T>
  init(_ buffer: SliceBuffer<T>)
  var _buffer: SliceBuffer<T>
extension Slice<T> : ArrayLiteralConvertible {
  static func convertFromArrayLiteral(elements: T...) -> Slice<T>
extension Slice<T> {
  func _asCocoaArray() -> _CocoaArray
extension Slice<T> : ArrayType {
  init<S : Sequence where T == T>(_ s: S)
  init(count: Int, repeatedValue: T)
  var count: Int {
    get {}
  var capacity: Int {
    get {}
  var isEmpty: Bool {
    get {}
  var _owner: AnyObject? {
    get {}
  var _elementStorageIfContiguous: UnsafePointer<T> {
    get {}
  var _elementStorage: UnsafePointer<T> {
    get {}
  func copy() -> Slice<T>
  func unshare()
  func reserveCapacity(minimumCapacity: Int)
  func append(newElement: T)
  func extend<S : Sequence where T == T>(sequence: S)
  func removeLast() -> T
  func insert(newElement: T, atIndex: Int)
  func removeAtIndex(index: Int) -> T
  func removeAll(keepCapacity: Bool = default)
  func join<S : Sequence where Slice<T> == Slice<T>>(elements: S) -> Slice<T>
  func reduce<U>(initial: U, combine: (U, T) -> U) -> U
  func sort(isOrderedBefore: (T, T) -> Bool)
  func map<U>(transform: (T) -> U) -> Slice<U>
  func reverse() -> Slice<T>
  func filter(includeElement: (T) -> Bool) -> Slice<T>
extension Slice<T> : Reflectable {
  func getMirror() -> Mirror
extension Slice<T> : Printable, DebugPrintable {
  func _makeDescription(#isDebug: Bool) -> String
  var description: String {
    get {}
  var debugDescription: String {
    get {}
extension Slice<T> {
  @transparent func _cPointerArgs() -> (AnyObject?, RawPointer)
  @conversion @transparent func __conversion() -> CConstPointer<T>
  @conversion @transparent func __conversion() -> CConstVoidPointer
extension Slice<T> {
  func withUnsafePointerToElements<R>(body: (UnsafePointer<T>) -> R) -> R
extension Slice<T> {
  func replaceRange<C : Collection where T == T>(subRange: Range<Int>, with newValues: C)


protocol Sliceable : _Sliceable {
  typealias SliceType : _Sliceable
  subscript (_: Range<Self.IndexType>) -> SliceType { get }


struct SliceBuffer<T> : ArrayBufferType {
  typealias Element = T
  typealias NativeStorage = ContiguousArrayStorage<T>
  typealias NativeBuffer = ContiguousArrayBuffer<T>
  init(owner: AnyObject?, start: UnsafePointer<T>, count: Int, hasNativeBuffer: Bool)
  init(_ buffer: ContiguousArrayBuffer<T>)
  func _invariantCheck()
  var _hasNativeBuffer: Bool {
    get {}
  var nativeBuffer: ContiguousArrayBuffer<T> {
    get {}
  var identity: Word {
    get {}
  var owner: AnyObject?
  var start: UnsafePointer<T>
  var _countAndFlags: UInt
  func _asCocoaArray() -> _CocoaArray
  func requestUniqueMutableBuffer(minimumCapacity: Int) -> ContiguousArrayBuffer<T>?
  func requestNativeBuffer() -> ContiguousArrayBuffer<T>?
  func _uninitializedCopy(subRange: Range<Int>, target: UnsafePointer<T>) -> UnsafePointer<T>
  var elementStorage: UnsafePointer<T> {
    get {}
  var count: Int {
    get {}
    set {}
  var capacity: Int {
    get {}
  func isUniquelyReferenced() -> Bool
  subscript (i: Int) -> T {
    get {}
    set {}
  subscript (subRange: Range<Int>) -> SliceBuffer<T> {
    get {}
  var startIndex: Int {
    get {}
  var endIndex: Int {
    get {}
  func generate() -> IndexingGenerator<SliceBuffer<T>>
  func withUnsafePointerToElements<R>(body: (UnsafePointer<T>) -> R) -> R


struct StaticString : _BuiltinExtendedGraphemeClusterLiteralConvertible, ExtendedGraphemeClusterLiteralConvertible, _BuiltinStringLiteralConvertible, StringLiteralConvertible {
  var start: RawPointer
  var byteSize: Word
  var isASCII: Int1
  init(start: RawPointer, byteSize: Word, isASCII: Int1)
  static func _convertFromBuiltinExtendedGraphemeClusterLiteral(start: RawPointer, byteSize: Word, isASCII: Int1) -> StaticString
  static func convertFromExtendedGraphemeClusterLiteral(value: StaticString) -> StaticString
  static func _convertFromBuiltinStringLiteral(start: RawPointer, byteSize: Word, isASCII: Int1) -> StaticString
  static func convertFromStringLiteral(value: StaticString) -> StaticString


protocol Streamable {
  func writeTo<Target : OutputStream>(inout target: Target)


struct StridedRangeGenerator<T : ForwardIndex> : Generator, Sequence {
  typealias Element = T
  @transparent init(_ bounds: Range<T>, stride: T.DistanceType)
  func next() -> T?
  typealias GeneratorType = StridedRangeGenerator<T>
  func generate() -> StridedRangeGenerator<T>
  var _bounds: Range<T>
  var _stride: T.DistanceType


struct String {
  init(_ _core: _StringCore)
  var core: _StringCore
extension String {
  static func fromCString(cs: CString) -> String
  static func fromCString(up: UnsafePointer<CChar>) -> String
extension String {
  init(_ c: Character)
extension String : ExtensibleCollection {
  func reserveCapacity(n: Int)
  func extend<S : Sequence where Character == Character>(seq: S)
extension String {
  func withCString<Result>(f: (CString) -> Result) -> Result
  func withCString<Result>(f: (UnsafePointer<CChar>) -> Result) -> Result
extension String : Reflectable {
  func getMirror() -> Mirror
extension String : OutputStream {
  func write(string: String)
extension String : Streamable {
  func writeTo<Target : OutputStream>(inout target: Target)
extension String : _BuiltinExtendedGraphemeClusterLiteralConvertible {
  static func _convertFromBuiltinExtendedGraphemeClusterLiteral(start: RawPointer, byteSize: Word, isASCII: Int1) -> String
extension String : ExtendedGraphemeClusterLiteralConvertible {
  static func convertFromExtendedGraphemeClusterLiteral(value: String) -> String
extension String : _BuiltinUTF16StringLiteralConvertible {
  static func _convertFromBuiltinUTF16StringLiteral(start: RawPointer, numberOfCodeUnits: Word) -> String
extension String : _BuiltinStringLiteralConvertible {
  static func _convertFromBuiltinStringLiteral(start: RawPointer, byteSize: Word, isASCII: Int1) -> String
extension String : StringLiteralConvertible {
  static func convertFromStringLiteral(value: String) -> String
extension String : DebugPrintable {
  var debugDescription: String {
    get {}
extension String {
  func _encodedLength<Encoding : UnicodeCodec>(encoding: Encoding.Type) -> Int
  func _encode<Encoding : UnicodeCodec, Output : Sink where Encoding.CodeUnit == Encoding.CodeUnit>(encoding: Encoding.Type, output: Output)
extension String : Equatable {
extension String {
  func _append(rhs: String)
  func _append(x: UnicodeScalar)
  var _utf16Count: Int {
    get {}
  init(_ storage: _StringBuffer)
extension String : Hashable {
  var hashValue: Int {
    get {}
extension String : StringInterpolationConvertible {
  static func convertFromStringInterpolation(strings: String...) -> String
  static func convertFromStringInterpolationSegment<T>(expr: T) -> String
extension String : Comparable {
extension String {
  @asmname("swift_stringFromUTF8InRawMemory") static func _fromUTF8InRawMemory(resultStorage: UnsafePointer<String>, start: UnsafePointer<CodeUnit>, utf8Count: Int)
extension String : Collection {
  struct Index : BidirectionalIndex {
    init(_ _base: String.UnicodeScalarView.IndexType)
    func succ() -> String.Index
    func pred() -> String.Index
    let _base: String.UnicodeScalarView.IndexType
    var _utf16Index: Int {
      get {}
  var startIndex: String.Index {
    get {}
  var endIndex: String.Index {
    get {}
  subscript (i: String.Index) -> Character {
    get {}
  func generate() -> IndexingGenerator<String>
extension String : Sliceable {
  subscript (subRange: Range<String.Index>) -> String {
    get {}
extension String {
  func join<S : Sequence where String == String>(elements: S) -> String
extension String {
  init<Encoding : UnicodeCodec, Input : Collection where Encoding.CodeUnit == Encoding.CodeUnit>(_ _encoding: Encoding.Type, input: Input)
  init(count sz: Int, repeatedValue c: Character)
  init(count: Int, repeatedValue c: UnicodeScalar)
  var _lines: String[] {
    get {}
  func _split(separator: UnicodeScalar) -> String[]
  var isEmpty: Bool {
    get {}
extension String {
  var uppercaseString: String {
    get {}
  var lowercaseString: String {
    get {}
  init(_ _c: UnicodeScalar)
  func _isAll(predicate: (UnicodeScalar) -> Bool) -> Bool
  func hasPrefix(prefix: String) -> Bool
  func hasSuffix(suffix: String) -> Bool
  func _isAlpha() -> Bool
  func _isDigit() -> Bool
  func _isSpace() -> Bool
extension String {
  init(_ v: Int64, radix: Int = default, _uppercase: Bool = default)
  init(_ v: UInt64, radix: Int = default, _uppercase: Bool = default)
  init(_ v: Int8, radix: Int = default, _uppercase: Bool = default)
  init(_ v: Int16, radix: Int = default, _uppercase: Bool = default)
  init(_ v: Int32, radix: Int = default, _uppercase: Bool = default)
  init(_ v: Int, radix: Int = default, _uppercase: Bool = default)
  init(_ v: UInt8, radix: Int = default, _uppercase: Bool = default)
  init(_ v: UInt16, radix: Int = default, _uppercase: Bool = default)
  init(_ v: UInt32, radix: Int = default, _uppercase: Bool = default)
  init(_ v: UInt, radix: Int = default, _uppercase: Bool = default)
  typealias _Double = Double
  typealias _Float = Float
  typealias _Bool = Bool
  init(_ v: _Double)
  init(_ v: _Float)
  init(_ b: _Bool)
extension String {
  func toInt() -> Int?
extension String {
  func _substr(start: Int) -> String
  func _splitFirst(delim: UnicodeScalar) -> (before: String, after: String, wasFound: Bool)
  func _splitFirstIf(pred: (UnicodeScalar) -> Bool) -> (before: String, found: UnicodeScalar, after: String, wasFound: Bool)
  func _splitIf(pred: (UnicodeScalar) -> Bool) -> String[]
extension String {
  struct UTF16View : Sliceable {
    var startIndex: Int {
      get {}
    var endIndex: Int {
      get {}
    typealias _GeneratorType = IndexingGenerator<_StringCore>
    typealias GeneratorType = _GeneratorType
    func generate() -> GeneratorType
    subscript (i: Int) -> CodeUnit {
      get {}
    subscript (subRange: Range<Int>) -> String.UTF16View {
      get {}
    init(_ _core: _StringCore)
    let _core: _StringCore
  var utf16: String.UTF16View {
    get {}
extension String {
  struct UTF8View : Collection {
    let _core: _StringCore
    init(_ _core: _StringCore)
    struct Index : ForwardIndex {
      init(_ _core: _StringCore, _ _coreIndex: Int, _ _buffer: UTF8Chunk)
      func succ() -> String.UTF8View.Index
      let _core: _StringCore
      let _coreIndex: Int
      let _buffer: UTF8Chunk
    var startIndex: String.UTF8View.Index {
      get {}
    var endIndex: String.UTF8View.Index {
      get {}
    subscript (i: String.UTF8View.Index) -> CodeUnit {
      get {}
    func generate() -> IndexingGenerator<String.UTF8View>
  var utf8: String.UTF8View {
    get {}
  var _contiguousUTF8: UnsafePointer<CodeUnit> {
    get {}
  var nulTerminatedUTF8: ContiguousArray<CodeUnit> {
    get {}
extension String {
  struct UnicodeScalarView : Sliceable, Sequence {
    init(_ _base: _StringCore)
    struct ScratchGenerator : Generator {
      var base: _StringCore
      var idx: Int
      init(_ core: _StringCore, _ pos: Int)
      func next() -> CodeUnit?
    struct IndexType : BidirectionalIndex {
      init(_ _position: Int, _ _base: _StringCore)
      func succ() -> String.UnicodeScalarView.IndexType
      func pred() -> String.UnicodeScalarView.IndexType
      var _position: Int
      var _base: _StringCore
    var startIndex: String.UnicodeScalarView.IndexType {
      get {}
    var endIndex: String.UnicodeScalarView.IndexType {
      get {}
    subscript (i: String.UnicodeScalarView.IndexType) -> UnicodeScalar {
      get {}
    func __slice__(start: String.UnicodeScalarView.IndexType, end: String.UnicodeScalarView.IndexType) -> String.UnicodeScalarView
    subscript (r: Range<String.UnicodeScalarView.IndexType>) -> String.UnicodeScalarView {
      get {}
    struct GeneratorType : Generator {
      init(_ _base: IndexingGenerator<_StringCore>)
      func next() -> UnicodeScalar?
      var _base: IndexingGenerator<_StringCore>
    func generate() -> String.UnicodeScalarView.GeneratorType
    @conversion func __conversion() -> String
    func compare(other: String.UnicodeScalarView) -> Int
    func _compareUnicode(other: String.UnicodeScalarView) -> Int
    var _base: _StringCore
extension String {
  func compare(other: String) -> Int
  var unicodeScalars: String.UnicodeScalarView {
    get {}


protocol StringElement {
  class func toUTF16CodeUnit(_: Self) -> CodeUnit
  class func fromUTF16CodeUnit(utf16: CodeUnit) -> Self


protocol StringInterpolationConvertible {
  class func convertFromStringInterpolation(strings: Self...) -> Self
  class func convertFromStringInterpolationSegment<T>(expr: T) -> Self


protocol StringLiteralConvertible : ExtendedGraphemeClusterLiteralConvertible {
  typealias StringLiteralType : _BuiltinStringLiteralConvertible
  class func convertFromStringLiteral(value: StringLiteralType) -> Self


typealias StringLiteralType = String


struct UInt : UnsignedInteger {
  var value: Word
  @transparent init()
  @transparent init(_ v: Word)
  @transparent init(_ value: UInt)
  @transparent static func _convertFromBuiltinIntegerLiteral(value: Int2048) -> UInt
  @transparent static func convertFromIntegerLiteral(value: UInt) -> UInt
  @transparent func _getBuiltinArrayBoundValue() -> Word
  typealias ArrayBoundType = UInt
  func getArrayBoundValue() -> UInt
  static var max: UInt {
    @transparent get {}
  static var min: UInt {
    @transparent get {}
extension UInt : Printable {
  var description: String {
    get {}
extension UInt : Hashable {
  var hashValue: Int {
    get {}
extension UInt : RandomAccessIndex {
  @transparent func succ() -> UInt
  @transparent func pred() -> UInt
  @transparent func distanceTo(other: UInt) -> Int
  @transparent func advancedBy(amount: Int) -> UInt
  @transparent static func uncheckedAdd(lhs: UInt, _ rhs: UInt) -> (UInt, Bool)
  @transparent static func uncheckedSubtract(lhs: UInt, _ rhs: UInt) -> (UInt, Bool)
  @transparent static func uncheckedMultiply(lhs: UInt, _ rhs: UInt) -> (UInt, Bool)
  @transparent static func uncheckedDivide(lhs: UInt, _ rhs: UInt) -> (UInt, Bool)
  @transparent static func uncheckedModulus(lhs: UInt, _ rhs: UInt) -> (UInt, Bool)
  @transparent func toUIntMax() -> UIntMax
  @transparent func toIntMax() -> IntMax
  @transparent static func from(x: UIntMax) -> UInt
extension UInt : BitwiseOperations {
  static var allZeros: UInt {
    @transparent get {}
extension UInt {
  @transparent init(_ v: UInt8)
  @transparent init(_ v: Int8)
  @transparent init(_ v: UInt16)
  @transparent init(_ v: Int16)
  @transparent init(_ v: UInt32)
  @transparent init(_ v: Int32)
  @transparent init(_ v: UInt64)
  @transparent init(_ v: Int64)
  @transparent init(_ v: Int)
  @transparent func asSigned() -> Int
extension UInt {
  @transparent init(_ v: Float)
  @transparent init(_ v: Double)
  @transparent init(_ v: Float80)
extension UInt : CVarArg {
  func encode() -> Word[]


struct UInt16 : UnsignedInteger {
  var value: Int16
  @transparent init()
  @transparent init(_ v: Int16)
  @transparent init(_ value: UInt16)
  @transparent static func _convertFromBuiltinIntegerLiteral(value: Int2048) -> UInt16
  @transparent static func convertFromIntegerLiteral(value: UInt16) -> UInt16
  @transparent func _getBuiltinArrayBoundValue() -> Word
  typealias ArrayBoundType = UInt16
  func getArrayBoundValue() -> UInt16
  static var max: UInt16 {
    @transparent get {}
  static var min: UInt16 {
    @transparent get {}
extension UInt16 : Printable {
  var description: String {
    get {}
extension UInt16 : Hashable {
  var hashValue: Int {
    get {}
extension UInt16 : RandomAccessIndex {
  @transparent func succ() -> UInt16
  @transparent func pred() -> UInt16
  @transparent func distanceTo(other: UInt16) -> Int
  @transparent func advancedBy(amount: Int) -> UInt16
  @transparent static func uncheckedAdd(lhs: UInt16, _ rhs: UInt16) -> (UInt16, Bool)
  @transparent static func uncheckedSubtract(lhs: UInt16, _ rhs: UInt16) -> (UInt16, Bool)
  @transparent static func uncheckedMultiply(lhs: UInt16, _ rhs: UInt16) -> (UInt16, Bool)
  @transparent static func uncheckedDivide(lhs: UInt16, _ rhs: UInt16) -> (UInt16, Bool)
  @transparent static func uncheckedModulus(lhs: UInt16, _ rhs: UInt16) -> (UInt16, Bool)
  @transparent func toUIntMax() -> UIntMax
  @transparent func toIntMax() -> IntMax
  @transparent static func from(x: UIntMax) -> UInt16
extension UInt16 : BitwiseOperations {
  static var allZeros: UInt16 {
    @transparent get {}
extension UInt16 {
  @transparent init(_ v: UInt8)
  @transparent init(_ v: Int8)
  @transparent init(_ v: Int16)
  @transparent init(_ v: UInt32)
  @transparent init(_ v: Int32)
  @transparent init(_ v: UInt64)
  @transparent init(_ v: Int64)
  @transparent init(_ v: UInt)
  @transparent init(_ v: Int)
  @transparent func asSigned() -> Int16
extension UInt16 {
  @transparent init(_ v: Float)
  @transparent init(_ v: Double)
  @transparent init(_ v: Float80)
extension UInt16 : Reflectable {
  func getMirror() -> Mirror
extension CodeUnit : StringElement {
  static func toUTF16CodeUnit(x: CodeUnit) -> CodeUnit
  static func fromUTF16CodeUnit(utf16: CodeUnit) -> CodeUnit
extension UInt16 : CVarArg {
  func encode() -> Word[]


struct UInt32 : UnsignedInteger {
  var value: Int32
  @transparent init()
  @transparent init(_ v: Int32)
  @transparent init(_ value: UInt32)
  @transparent static func _convertFromBuiltinIntegerLiteral(value: Int2048) -> UInt32
  @transparent static func convertFromIntegerLiteral(value: UInt32) -> UInt32
  @transparent func _getBuiltinArrayBoundValue() -> Word
  typealias ArrayBoundType = UInt32
  func getArrayBoundValue() -> UInt32
  static var max: UInt32 {
    @transparent get {}
  static var min: UInt32 {
    @transparent get {}
extension UInt32 : Printable {
  var description: String {
    get {}
extension UInt32 : Hashable {
  var hashValue: Int {
    get {}
extension UInt32 : RandomAccessIndex {
  @transparent func succ() -> UInt32
  @transparent func pred() -> UInt32
  @transparent func distanceTo(other: UInt32) -> Int
  @transparent func advancedBy(amount: Int) -> UInt32
  @transparent static func uncheckedAdd(lhs: UInt32, _ rhs: UInt32) -> (UInt32, Bool)
  @transparent static func uncheckedSubtract(lhs: UInt32, _ rhs: UInt32) -> (UInt32, Bool)
  @transparent static func uncheckedMultiply(lhs: UInt32, _ rhs: UInt32) -> (UInt32, Bool)
  @transparent static func uncheckedDivide(lhs: UInt32, _ rhs: UInt32) -> (UInt32, Bool)
  @transparent static func uncheckedModulus(lhs: UInt32, _ rhs: UInt32) -> (UInt32, Bool)
  @transparent func toUIntMax() -> UIntMax
  @transparent func toIntMax() -> IntMax
  @transparent static func from(x: UIntMax) -> UInt32
extension UInt32 : BitwiseOperations {
  static var allZeros: UInt32 {
    @transparent get {}
extension UInt32 {
  @transparent init(_ v: UInt8)
  @transparent init(_ v: Int8)
  @transparent init(_ v: UInt16)
  @transparent init(_ v: Int16)
  @transparent init(_ v: Int32)
  @transparent init(_ v: UInt64)
  @transparent init(_ v: Int64)
  @transparent init(_ v: UInt)
  @transparent init(_ v: Int)
  @transparent func asSigned() -> Int32
extension UInt32 {
  @transparent init(_ v: Float)
  @transparent init(_ v: Double)
  @transparent init(_ v: Float80)
extension UInt32 : Reflectable {
  func getMirror() -> Mirror
extension UInt32 {
  init(_ v: UnicodeScalar)
extension UInt32 : CVarArg {
  func encode() -> Word[]


struct UInt64 : UnsignedInteger {
  var value: Int64
  @transparent init()
  @transparent init(_ v: Int64)
  @transparent init(_ value: UInt64)
  @transparent static func _convertFromBuiltinIntegerLiteral(value: Int2048) -> UInt64
  @transparent static func convertFromIntegerLiteral(value: UInt64) -> UInt64
  @transparent func _getBuiltinArrayBoundValue() -> Word
  typealias ArrayBoundType = UInt64
  func getArrayBoundValue() -> UInt64
  static var max: UInt64 {
    @transparent get {}
  static var min: UInt64 {
    @transparent get {}
extension UInt64 : Printable {
  var description: String {
    get {}
extension UInt64 : Hashable {
  var hashValue: Int {
    get {}
extension UInt64 : RandomAccessIndex {
  @transparent func succ() -> UInt64
  @transparent func pred() -> UInt64
  @transparent func distanceTo(other: UInt64) -> Int
  @transparent func advancedBy(amount: Int) -> UInt64
  @transparent static func uncheckedAdd(lhs: UInt64, _ rhs: UInt64) -> (UInt64, Bool)
  @transparent static func uncheckedSubtract(lhs: UInt64, _ rhs: UInt64) -> (UInt64, Bool)
  @transparent static func uncheckedMultiply(lhs: UInt64, _ rhs: UInt64) -> (UInt64, Bool)
  @transparent static func uncheckedDivide(lhs: UInt64, _ rhs: UInt64) -> (UInt64, Bool)
  @transparent static func uncheckedModulus(lhs: UInt64, _ rhs: UInt64) -> (UInt64, Bool)
  @transparent func toUIntMax() -> UIntMax
  @transparent func toIntMax() -> IntMax
  @transparent static func from(x: UIntMax) -> UInt64
extension UInt64 : BitwiseOperations {
  static var allZeros: UInt64 {
    @transparent get {}
extension UInt64 {
  @transparent init(_ v: UInt8)
  @transparent init(_ v: Int8)
  @transparent init(_ v: UInt16)
  @transparent init(_ v: Int16)
  @transparent init(_ v: UInt32)
  @transparent init(_ v: Int32)
  @transparent init(_ v: Int64)
  @transparent init(_ v: UInt)
  @transparent init(_ v: Int)
  @transparent func asSigned() -> Int64
extension UInt64 {
  @transparent init(_ v: Float)
  @transparent init(_ v: Double)
  @transparent init(_ v: Float80)
extension UInt64 : Reflectable {
  func getMirror() -> Mirror
extension UInt64 {
  init(_ v: UnicodeScalar)
extension UInt64 : CVarArg {
  func encode() -> Word[]


struct UInt8 : UnsignedInteger {
  var value: Int8
  @transparent init()
  @transparent init(_ v: Int8)
  @transparent init(_ value: UInt8)
  @transparent static func _convertFromBuiltinIntegerLiteral(value: Int2048) -> UInt8
  @transparent static func convertFromIntegerLiteral(value: UInt8) -> UInt8
  @transparent func _getBuiltinArrayBoundValue() -> Word
  typealias ArrayBoundType = UInt8
  func getArrayBoundValue() -> UInt8
  static var max: UInt8 {
    @transparent get {}
  static var min: UInt8 {
    @transparent get {}
extension UInt8 : Printable {
  var description: String {
    get {}
extension UInt8 : Hashable {
  var hashValue: Int {
    get {}
extension UInt8 : RandomAccessIndex {
  @transparent func succ() -> UInt8
  @transparent func pred() -> UInt8
  @transparent func distanceTo(other: UInt8) -> Int
  @transparent func advancedBy(amount: Int) -> UInt8
  @transparent static func uncheckedAdd(lhs: UInt8, _ rhs: UInt8) -> (UInt8, Bool)
  @transparent static func uncheckedSubtract(lhs: UInt8, _ rhs: UInt8) -> (UInt8, Bool)
  @transparent static func uncheckedMultiply(lhs: UInt8, _ rhs: UInt8) -> (UInt8, Bool)
  @transparent static func uncheckedDivide(lhs: UInt8, _ rhs: UInt8) -> (UInt8, Bool)
  @transparent static func uncheckedModulus(lhs: UInt8, _ rhs: UInt8) -> (UInt8, Bool)
  @transparent func toUIntMax() -> UIntMax
  @transparent func toIntMax() -> IntMax
  @transparent static func from(x: UIntMax) -> UInt8
extension UInt8 : BitwiseOperations {
  static var allZeros: UInt8 {
    @transparent get {}
extension UInt8 {
  @transparent init(_ v: Int8)
  @transparent init(_ v: UInt16)
  @transparent init(_ v: Int16)
  @transparent init(_ v: UInt32)
  @transparent init(_ v: Int32)
  @transparent init(_ v: UInt64)
  @transparent init(_ v: Int64)
  @transparent init(_ v: UInt)
  @transparent init(_ v: Int)
  @transparent func asSigned() -> Int8
extension UInt8 {
  @transparent init(_ v: Float)
  @transparent init(_ v: Double)
  @transparent init(_ v: Float80)
extension UInt8 : Reflectable {
  func getMirror() -> Mirror
extension CodeUnit : StringElement {
  static func toUTF16CodeUnit(x: CodeUnit) -> CodeUnit
  static func fromUTF16CodeUnit(utf16: CodeUnit) -> CodeUnit
extension UInt8 {
  init(_ v: UnicodeScalar)
extension UInt8 : CVarArg {
  func encode() -> Word[]


typealias UIntMax = UInt64


protocol UnicodeCodec {
  typealias CodeUnit
  class func decode<G : Generator where `Self`.CodeUnit == CodeUnit>(inout next: G) -> UnicodeScalar?
  class func encode<S : Sink where `Self`.CodeUnit == CodeUnit>(input: UnicodeScalar, inout output: S)


struct UnicodeScalar : ExtendedGraphemeClusterLiteralConvertible {
  var _value: Int32
  var value: UInt32 {
    get {}
  static func convertFromExtendedGraphemeClusterLiteral(value: String) -> UnicodeScalar
  init(_ value: Int32)
  init(_ v: UInt32)
  init(_ v: UnicodeScalar)
  func escape() -> String
  func isASCII() -> Bool
  func isAlpha() -> Bool
  func isDigit() -> Bool
  var uppercase: UnicodeScalar {
    get {}
  var lowercase: UnicodeScalar {
    get {}
  func isSpace() -> Bool
extension UnicodeScalar : Streamable {
  func writeTo<Target : OutputStream>(inout target: Target)
extension UnicodeScalar : Printable {
  var description: String {
    get {}
extension UnicodeScalar : Hashable {
  var hashValue: Int {
    get {}
extension UnicodeScalar {
  init(_ v: Int)
extension UnicodeScalar : Comparable {
extension UnicodeScalar {
  func isPrint() -> Bool


struct Unmanaged<T> {
  var _value: @sil_unmanaged T
  @transparent init(_private: T)
  @transparent static func fromOpaque(value: COpaquePointer) -> Unmanaged<T>
  @transparent func toOpaque() -> COpaquePointer
  @transparent static func passRetained(value: T) -> Unmanaged<T>
  @transparent static func passUnretained(value: T) -> Unmanaged<T>
  func takeUnretainedValue() -> T
  func takeRetainedValue() -> T
  @transparent func retain() -> Unmanaged<T>
  @transparent func release()
  @transparent func autorelease() -> Unmanaged<T>


struct UnsafeArray<T> : Collection, Generator {
  var startIndex: Int {
    get {}
  var endIndex: Int {
    get {}
  subscript (i: Int) -> T {
    get {}
  init(start: UnsafePointer<T>, length: Int)
  func next() -> T?
  func generate() -> UnsafeArray<T>
  var _position: UnsafePointer<T>
  var _end: UnsafePointer<T>


struct UnsafePointer<T> : BidirectionalIndex, Comparable, Hashable, LogicValue {
  var value: RawPointer
  init(_ value: RawPointer)
  init(_ other: COpaquePointer)
  init(_ value: Int)
  init<U>(_ from: UnsafePointer<U>)
  static func null() -> UnsafePointer<T>
  static func alloc(num: Int) -> UnsafePointer<T>
  func dealloc(num: Int)
  var memory: T {
    @transparent get {}
    @transparent set {}
  func initialize(newvalue: T)
  func move() -> T
  func moveInitializeBackwardFrom(source: UnsafePointer<T>, count: Int)
  func moveAssignFrom(source: UnsafePointer<T>, count: Int)
  func moveInitializeFrom(source: UnsafePointer<T>, count: Int)
  func initializeFrom(source: UnsafePointer<T>, count: Int)
  func initializeFrom<C : Collection where T == T>(source: C)
  func destroy()
  func destroy(count: Int)
  var _isNull: Bool {
    @transparent get {}
  @transparent func getLogicValue() -> Bool
  subscript (i: Int) -> T {
    @transparent get {}
    @transparent set {}
  var hashValue: Int {
    get {}
  func succ() -> UnsafePointer<T>
  func pred() -> UnsafePointer<T>
  @conversion @transparent func __conversion() -> CMutablePointer<T>
  func __conversion() -> CMutableVoidPointer
  @conversion @transparent func __conversion() -> CConstPointer<T>
  @conversion @transparent func __conversion() -> CConstVoidPointer
  @conversion @transparent func __conversion() -> AutoreleasingUnsafePointer<T>
  init(_ cp: CConstPointer<T>)
  init(_ cm: CMutablePointer<T>)
  init(_ op: AutoreleasingUnsafePointer<T>)
  init(_ cp: CConstVoidPointer)
  init(_ cp: CMutableVoidPointer)
extension UnsafePointer<T> : Printable {
  var description: String {
    get {}


protocol UnsignedInteger : _UnsignedInteger, Integer {}


struct UTF16 : UnicodeCodec {
  typealias CodeUnit = UInt16
  static func decode<G : Generator where CodeUnit == CodeUnit>(inout input: G) -> UnicodeScalar?
  static func encode<S : Sink where CodeUnit == CodeUnit>(input: UnicodeScalar, inout output: S)
  var _value
  init(_value: UInt16)
extension UTF16 {
  static func width(x: UnicodeScalar) -> Int
  static func leadSurrogate(x: UnicodeScalar) -> CodeUnit
  static func trailSurrogate(x: UnicodeScalar) -> CodeUnit
  static func copy<T : StringElement, U : StringElement>(source: UnsafePointer<T>, destination: UnsafePointer<U>, count: Int)
  static func measure<Encoding : UnicodeCodec, Input : Generator where Encoding.CodeUnit == Encoding.CodeUnit>(_: Encoding.Type, input: Input) -> (Int, Bool)


struct UTF32 : UnicodeCodec {
  typealias CodeUnit = UInt32
  init(_ _value: UInt32)
  static func create(value: CodeUnit) -> UTF32
  func value() -> CodeUnit
  static func decode<G : Generator where CodeUnit == CodeUnit>(inout input: G) -> UnicodeScalar?
  static func encode<S : Sink where CodeUnit == CodeUnit>(input: UnicodeScalar, inout output: S)
  var _value


struct UTF8 : UnicodeCodec {
  typealias CodeUnit = UInt8
  static func decode<G : Generator where CodeUnit == CodeUnit>(inout next: G) -> UnicodeScalar?
  static func encode<S : Sink where CodeUnit == CodeUnit>(input: UnicodeScalar, inout output: S)
  var _value
  init(_value: UInt8)


typealias UWord = UInt


@final class VaListBuilder {
  struct Header {
    var gp_offset
    var fp_offset
    var overflow_arg_area: UnsafePointer<Word>
    var reg_save_area: UnsafePointer<Word>
    init(gp_offset: UInt32, fp_offset: UInt32, overflow_arg_area: UnsafePointer<Word>, reg_save_area: UnsafePointer<Word>)
  @final @final func append(arg: CVarArg)
  @final @final func va_list() -> CVaListPointer
  var gpRegistersUsed
  var sseRegistersUsed
  var header
  var storage: Word[]
  @objc deinit


typealias Void = ()


typealias Word = Int


struct Zip2<S0 : Sequence, S1 : Sequence> : Sequence {
  typealias Stream1 = S0.GeneratorType
  typealias Stream2 = S1.GeneratorType
  typealias GeneratorType = ZipGenerator2<S0.GeneratorType, S1.GeneratorType>
  init(_ s0: S0, _ s1: S1)
  func generate() -> GeneratorType
  var sequences: (S0, S1)


struct ZipGenerator2<E0 : Generator, E1 : Generator> : Generator {
  typealias Element = (E0.Element, E1.Element)
  init(_ e0: E0, _ e1: E1)
  func next() -> Element?
  var baseStreams: (E0, E1)


C_ARGV: UnsafePointer<CString>

__COLUMN__: Int

Current column.

__FILE__: String

Current file name.

__LINE__: Int

Current line.